There’s No Place Like Home

Our home is a busy place. We live in a very small house and with six of us, there is constant movement, distraction and noise. It can feel overwhelming at times, which is normal, but to me it just feels like home.

I have discussed in previous posts that the main joy of my life and when I feel the most at peace is when we are all together as a family. I love every minute I get to spend with my family and with our busy lives, I cherish those moments that we spend together at home playing games, having conversations, cooking or just hanging out. We are very close and we enjoy spending time with each other. Even through the difficult times when there are disagreements and crying and during those days when I am thinking I just need to make to bedtime, I try to take a step back and remind myself that I will miss these days when they are gone. I realize that might sound crazy but it is hard for me to explain the level of joy that I feel when we are all together.

I was involved in a conversation recently where a woman mentioned that she was sad that her son was moving out after graduation. Another person in the conversation replied “I can’t imagine being sad about that”. Obviously, for me, I related to the first comment. Our house is full of so much love, joy and excitement that I cannot even think about the day when my kids are grown and have moved out. Through our strong faith and love for each other, my wife and I built the foundation of a loving Catholic home and planted the seeds for that environment to grow and thrive with our children. That does not mean that our home is perfect, not even close, but our love for God and for each other are the driving forces behind everything we do and every decision we make for our family.  It is our faith in Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit that get us through the ups and downs, the daily cycle of struggles and meltdowns, the disagreements and tantrums and the fear and worry that come with being a parent.

A popular movie in our house is the Wizard of Oz. It has been a favorite of mine since I was little and my oldest daughter fell in love with it when she was three so it plays often in our house. In the movie, Dorothy is looking to escape and go somewhere where there are no problems and everything is wonderful. I think we have all felt that way at one time or another, where we just want to get away and escape whatever it is that is causing difficulties in our life. However, the whole time Dorothy is gone she misses her family and her focus and the reason for going to see the wizard in the first place is to get back home. Some time away from the daily craziness of parenting is important to our personal health and the health of our marriage but I always feel that longing to be home and be with my kids whenever I am away.

A few weeks ago, I was traveling for work and had the opportunity to see the Rocky Mountains for the first time. I enjoyed the experience but the whole time I was thinking, I wish my kids were here to see this. I took more pictures than most people probably do on business trips but I wanted to share the experience with them.  During that same trip there was a two year old seated a few rows back from me on the plane and he was talking constantly as most two year old’s do. I would assume that for many of the passengers this resulted in an unpleasant flight. I probably would have felt the same way when I was younger, but on this particular occasion, I actually found myself comforted by those sounds as they reminded me of home.

One of my favorite lines from the Wizard of Oz is when Dorothy says, “If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard”. These words ring true for me. Our home is where share the experiences of daily life, the good and the bad, where we have meaningful conversations, practice our faith and where my kids come running to the door to hug me and greet me with a “Hi Daddy” at the end of long day of work.  It may not be perfect but it is filled with love and I often think to myself, there really is no place like home!